viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

Sobre memes: y ahí va otro de NewS

Charmpoints! [A NEWS meme]

Here it is! The items below are the different PHYSICAL charmpoints of each NEWS member. Put an 'x' in the box of the item/charmpoint that you love the most. NOTE--Choose only one per member (I know this is hard, but please choose only one, ne?):
Koyama Keiichiro:
[] single eyelid
[] abs
[x] arms
[] height
[] other ____
Kato Shigeaki:
[] lips
[] hands
[x] face (the smoothness of it)
[] other ____
Masuda Takahisa:
[x] dimple (smile)
[] arms
[] abs
[] strength
[] other ____
Tegoshi Yuya:
[] voice
[] smile /.../ plus his laugh
[x] eyes
[] other ____
And another meme! This time, the PERSONALITY charmpoints. Like the meme above, please choose only ONE:
[] being a newscaster
[] his dancing skills
[x] his nice/kind ways
[] other ____
[] being an author
[] his intelligence
[] being a photographer
[x] his cute clumsiness
[] other ____
[] his dancing skills
[x] love for food
[] love for fashion
[] other: 
[x] being spoiled
[] his self-centeredness
[] being a soccer player
[] his confidence
[] other ____

Es tan difícil escoger sólo un aspecto de cada uno ToT

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