lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

Sobre memes de NewS

Me he robado este meme de 30 días de Aquí

1. Your first bias.
2. The first song you heard.
3. Your favorite cover song single.
4. Your first impression of the group.
5. One member you’d want as your brother.
6. One sentence you’d like to say to each member.
7. The member you are most like.
8. Rank them from 1 to 6 4 (1 being the best) when it comes to singing.
9. Rank them from 1 to  6 4 (1 being the best) when it comes to dancing.
10. Rank them from 1 to  6 4 (1 being the best) when it comes to hotness.
11. Your favorite lyrics from one of their songs.
12. Your favorite music video.
13. Your favorite commercial film (CF).
14. The member you’d like to share a room with.
15. The member you’d like to be neighbours with.
16. The member you’d like to have as your best friend.
17. Your favorite friendship.
18. Your favorite pairing between members.
19. Your favorite pairing between a member and someone from another JE group.
20. Your favorite group picture.
21. Your favorite macro.
22. Your favorite GIF and/or SWF.
23. Dedicate a post to Koyama. Post whatever you’d like to say about him.
24. Dedicate a post to Shige. Post whatever you’d like to say about him.
25. Dedicate a post to Massu. Post whatever you’d like to say about him.
26. Dedicate a post to Tegoshi. Post whatever you’d like to say about him.
27.Dedicate a post to TegoMasu. Post whatever you’d like to say about them.
28. Your favorite concert DVD.
29. The reason why you love NEWS.
30. Recommend a song for anyone who might not know NEWS.

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